Sparked is a young adult fiction book, a high school drama featuring seven depressed teenagers in their destructive phases. Mia, Liam, Noah, Matthew, Eleanor, Sophie and Hannah, when faced with family problems, body insecurities and past flashbacks, their 'perfect' friend group starts falling apart and they all start isolating themselves. When the pain becomes too much for them, some of them start healing and some start using self-destructive methods like drugs and cutting to cope with their feelings.
A Fairytale in the Dark is a collection of poetry based on the light, the darkness and the end of love. It focuses on the theme of love in its various stages, starting from the "good" side that makes you feel special and then to the last stage where a relationship breaks and you're not able to do anything about it.
Reina: TBOW is a dark fantasy romance novel featuring Reina, the queen of Awoldia, who has the ability to create fire with her hands and is called TRAYMAHASHA (Fire Goddess) and FLAMAYA (the burning beast). As a child, she was often mistreated so she stole the throne from her parents when she grew up by taking out their hearts in front of the whole village and is now planning wars to take over the whole world. Things get complicated for her when one of her shy soldiers, Andrew, turns out to be the son of an abuser who she murdered an year ago and as she starts training him to his best potential, many secrets about his identity are revealed which makes Reina question whether she should fully trust him. Never considering the reason for his father's murder, Andrew is only filled with hate towards the queen but finding her in a vulnerable position makes him realise a lot about how much she has had to endure and why she is the way she is and he slowly starts melting all the walls she's put up to stop letting people in.
Psychos & Poets is a poetry collection that focuses on the journey of healing for an inner child within every adult who grows cruel within themselves because of the grief within them that has been untended for too long. It contains chapters on a child, a demon, a sheep, a rebel and a fool, all personalities of a typical child that learns to raise itself out of its toxic household and into a humble and resilient nature.
Bitter Coffees Without the Taste of Your Love is a collection of the dark, broad and complex nature of a daughter’s relationship with her mother. Although the daughter is consumed with love for her mother, she is also filled with her mother’s rage that sometimes tends to cloud her judgement.
All My Mind is a collection of dark and complex poetry featuring poems on love, darkness, pain, healing and magic. It also has prints of some of my paintings along with short quotes that describe or help explain the painting.
The Girl You Left in My Arms is another collection of dark poetry that focuses on triggering and traumatic events from my own life. (Please check triggers before reading). Talking about problems at home, problems with boys and being taken advantage of, these poems are crafted for all those who grew up in toxic households or have ever been related to a narcissist.
Fall’s Decay is a collection of poetry about the loneliness one feels in the Fall, the urge to destruct and hide away from the world, the urge to go mad and not have anything to bound you to your sanity. The urge to just be completely free, not just in the outside world, but also in the darkness of one’s mind.
The Unraveling: Demons and Angels of Ambition is a play about an ambitious little girl with a demonic presence inside her who goes through an year long journey of enlightenment in the woods, that helps her vanquish her demons, escape her past and restore her faith in the Gods, who have given her a short lived but powerful destiny.